Search Nafplio Guide

How to get to Nafplio

By Plane:
The nearest airport to Nafplio is Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport in Athens, which is approximately 2 hours away by car. From the airport, you can take a taxi or rent a car to get to Nafplio. Alternatively, there are also several bus companies that offer daily bus services between Athens and Nafplio.

By Bus:
If you are traveling from Athens, you can take one of the several daily buses that run between Athens and Nafplio. The journey takes approximately 2.5 hours and tickets can be purchased at the bus station or online. If you are traveling from another city in Greece, there are also several long-distance bus companies that operate routes to Nafplio.

By Car:
If you are traveling by car, you can take the E94 highway from Athens to Nafplio. The journey takes approximately 2 hours and is well signposted. There are several rental car companies located in Athens and Nafplio, so it is possible to rent a car for your journey.

By Train:
There is no direct train service from Athens to Nafplio. However, you can take a train from Athens to Corinth, and then transfer to a bus that goes to Nafplio. The journey takes approximately 3 hours and tickets can be purchased at the train station or online.

In conclusion, getting to Nafplio is straightforward, with several options available, including plane, bus, car, and train. Whether you prefer the convenience of a car or the scenic route by bus, there is a travel option to suit everyone's needs. Once you arrive in Nafplio, you can start exploring this charming and historic town and enjoy everything it has to offer.